Easy Ways to Take Charge of Your Health

Learn how to take charge of your health in this sponsored post.
take charge of your health

Did you know that it’s not normal to be exhausted all of the time?

If you’re a mom, this little tidbit might be surprising to you. After you get kids dressed, head out to work, dinner, homework, cleaning, husband, it’s easy to understand why many of us are walking around in a fog.

Seriously, if I had to choose one word to describe how I felt for most of last year, it’d probably be exhaustion.

Between pandemic and all of the social unrest in the country, Black folks, especially, have had to learn to take better care of ourselves.

As a Black mother, last year made me realize I needed to do more to take care of my health. Both physically and mentally.

I have a preschooler and tween to take care of, work, a side hustle, and volunteer commitments. There’s just no time for me to be unwell. I’m making it my mission to feel good in 2021.

Here’s the thing, I know exactly what to do to support my health. I’ve done it before. It’s just that I get lazy and end up going back to the same bad habits that have me slugging through life, feeling like I never get enough sleep.

It’s not difficult really. It just takes a little bit of planning and a lot of intention. I’m intentional, y’all. Operation Feel Good 2021 is ON!

I’m not one for a whole lifestyle change. I’m not all of a sudden going to start going to the gym twice a day, or running 6 miles before work in the morning. Simple modifications, that’s what I’m all about. Here are some tips to help you get started feeling better this year.

How do you take charge of your health?

take charge of your health

Educate yourself.

You don’t know what you don’t know. Before you start to take charge of your health, it’s important to talk to your doctor. After that, check out the Take Action for Health website for lots of great information regarding health issues for Black folks. The goal of this free website is to support the reduction of some of the biggest risks to African American health including emotional health, cancer, pre-diabetes, heart health, and kidney health.

Register on the website to really get started taking care of your health, as well as have the information to support your family and community’s health goals. 

Take care of your immune system.

A healthy immune system is key to the start of good health. If you really want to feel good, you need to take care of your immune system. Not only that, but taking care of your immune system comes with perks like maintaining healthy skin and gums. 

Get moving.

Like I said before, I’m not a gym rat at all. I do, however, love to dance.

Challenging my baby girl to a battle with our dance video game helps me work up a sweat and get my heart pumping. Find something that you enjoy that gets you moving and do it.

You’d be surprised at what a little bit of exercise can do for helping you feel good. After just an hour of dancing with Ayva, I sleep better, wake up with more energy, and just feel better overall.

take charge of your health

Eat good food.

I love bread. Love it. I don’t think bread loves me back, though because whenever I eat it, I get sleepy!

Instead of gorging on carbs, take charge of your health, and create recipes that feature whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Challenge yourself to find delicious recipes that help you feel good.

I’ve got one to get you started. Marinated kale is not only easy to make, but it tastes really, really good. Just chop up some kale, and drizzle a little olive oil on it. Add an entire clove of chopped garlic, and the juice from 1 really juicy lemons. Put it in the fridge and let it, you guessed it, marinate, for at least 2 hours and enjoy with cracked black pepper.

See what I mean? Easy, right?

I have no excuse for not taking care of myself, and my family deserves a Mama who isn’t walking around in a fog all of the time. 

And I deserve to live a life where my health is thriving.

2 responses to “Easy Ways to Take Charge of Your Health”

  1. Patricia Avatar

    Nothing but truth in this share. Health and wellness really does begin with each one of us

  2. Jenn Avatar

    Really important information to share. So many women don’t put their healthcare high on their priority list.

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