I’ve always held a full-time job while juggling side hustles.
I think it stems from my days as a theater actor, piecing together gigs to make ends meet.
Back then, I’d go from rehearsals during the day to teaching workshops at night, plus brand ambassador work in between.
Now as a working mom, I still find myself juggling my professional career with passion projects on the side. It’s a constant balancing act.
There never seems to be enough time for work, family, and self-care. I know I’m not alone in feeling this way.
What I’ve learned over time is that I need to let some things go.
I had been clinging to certain work out of habit and money, even when it no longer fulfilled me.
Being tethered to my devices without being fully present took a toll. Something had to change.
The first step was recommitting to my priorities – my health, family time, and making memories.
That’s ultimately why I work. Focusing on my “why” was key to finding balance.
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on how I can earn money in a way that truly matches my values, priorities, and purpose.
I started doing money reflections and meditations to gain clarity around my financial goals.
My aim is to put together a plan for a purpose-driven career path that fulfills me.
Money Reflection Questions
Now, y’all know I’ll take any opportunity I can to journal, so I created my own guided reflection with questions that I thought would help me to sort out my feelings about making money.
The questions I reflected on are:
- How am I making money? A simple list of all of my income sources – the foundation of your financial journey.
- Where am I making the most money? An honest assessment of my most lucrative streams of income.
- What else has my money-making attention? A list of new opportunities or ideas I’m considering (including in-progress work)
- Why am I working? The motivation behind my financial goals.
- What do I want to do with the money I make? I wrote about my short and long-term aspirations.
- How do I want to make money? An honest reflection on the actual work I want to do.
- What stresses me out about making money? Identifying the financial stressors and challenges holding me back.
- What do I want the most? This was a free write of my deepest desires for my life.
Going through this guided reflection highlighted what matters most to me: providing for my family and making memories with my loved ones.
This exercise is great for accountability, and I’ll continue to revisit it, reflect on my why, and make sure I’m on track.
Download the Money Reflection Worksheet
If you’d like to gain clarity about your financial goals and work, click to download the Money Reflection worksheet.
I suggest going through each question and responding to them before you move on to the reflect column.
After you finish, don’t forget to keep coming back to it. Hang it somewhere you can see it to make sure you’re on track for your purposeful money-making goals.
I believe that I can have a career and life I love, filled with passion and purpose.
And I know you can have it, too.
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