What Are You Going To Be For Halloween?

Thanks to Marshalls for providing a gift card to check out their great selection of Halloween costumes!
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It’s the question that kids all over the country have been asking each other for the last few weeks. “What are you going to be for Halloween?” When I was younger, it took me forever to make up my mind about what I was going to dress up as. Ayva is a lot more decisive, though. She can typically tell me what costume to buy the day after the previous year’s Halloween. Yup. She’s good like that.

Last year, the weather changed on us, and I ended up going to Marshalls to pick out a costume that was warmer and more durable than the one we had initially. We were both really happy with the gorgeous, unique princess dress that we were able to find the night before Halloween. It was so pretty! This year, we skipped the middle man and instead went straight to Marshalls from the get go.

Marshalls had a great big selection of costumes for babies, toddlers and kids. Ayva and I took our time going through the costumes until she came across a beautiful angel ensemble. Once she found it, that was it. She knew what she was going to be for Halloween! The costume costs us $29.99 and included wings, a halo and a gorgeous dress. Most of the costumes at Marshalls come complete with everything you need just like this one. I’m still shocked at how easy it was for Ayva to make her choice!

What are your kiddos dressing up as for Halloween?  Head over to TJ Maxx & Marshalls for fun costumes for the whole family!

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