This post is brought to you by The Stork OTC and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.
It’s the question that folks start asking right after you walk down the aisle. Sometimes the ink isn’t even dry on the marriage certificate before the inquiries begin. Newlyweds know what I’m talking about, ‘So, when are you going to have a baby?” Terrence and I have been married for almost a year and a half, and inquiring minds REALLY want to know when a new Riley is going to join the family at this point. I don’t mind the question, really, at least, I didn’t think I did. We wanted to take at least a year to settle into our new family with just the three of us before we added a baby into the mix, and that made perfect sense. The last year was incredible. Terrence, Ayva and I spent all sorts of quality time together, and were able to create a routine that works for us.
Now, though, I’m ready to add another member to our family. It’s time. Of course, getting pregnant now is much different than when I was pregnant with Ayva. At 36, I’m at an advanced maternal age, and after a couple of months of trying, it became apparent that we were going to need a little bit of help. We’re not alone. A study conducted by the CDC found “10.9% (6.7 million) of women ages 15-44 have impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term. 1 in 6 couples are unable to conceive after 12 months of trying.” I’m really hoping that The Stork OTC helps us to get pregnant sooner.
The Stork OTC is an over the counter contraception aid that has served as an affordable way for my husband and I to tip our toes into the fertility support pool. It’s a non-drug option that has been cleared by the FDA for over-the-counter sales to consumers, without a prescription. The Stork OTC uses cervical cap insemination, a common conception technique that can help with many common fertility difficulties.The best part about it is that you control when you want to use it, so you can pick a time of the month that is most optimal for conception. I like that it’s affordable, and a good first-step in fertility assistance before going into more costly procedures.
If you want to learn more about The Stork OTC, you an check out their website, Facebook, or Twitter. You’ll find links on their website to purchase the device, or you can get it, without a prescription, at your local CVS/pharmacy.
We’ll be talking about The Stork OTC on Twitter on 1/15! Join us!
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