8 things I’m teaching my daughter before she goes to college

I am a proud ScholarShare 529 Ambassador. This is a sponsored post.

My daughter is starting the 4th grade in the fall, and I can’t believe that in eight short years she’ll be headed off to college. I still remember the first day I took her to nursery school. That day, walking into the building with bottles filled with milk, diapers, and a change of clothes, I had no idea how fast time would pass. I can’t believe she’s already 9!

Ayva is so helpful with her baby brother, and very responsible, but there’s still a lot that she needs to learn. Before she leaves home and goes off to become an adult, there are few things that she needs to know. That means there’s a lot that I need to teach her. I’ll feel a lot better when she’s off on her own knowing that she’s armed with knowledge and skills to help her thrive.

8 things I’m teaching my daughter before she goes to college

1. Self-confidence

There isn’t always going to be someone around to encourage her, so she’ll need to have confidence in herself.

2. Grocery shopping

It’s one thing to be able to cook, but she’ll also need to know how to shop for healthy groceries on her budget.

3. Laundry

Mommy and Daddy aren’t going to be there to wash clothes. If she doesn’t want to ruin her favorite outfits, she’ll need to know this.

4. Budgeting money

We’re committed to making sure Ayva has what she needs, but there is a limit. She’ll need to know how to make whatever we give her stretch.

5. Saving money

In addition to managing her money, Ayva will need have to save even while she’s in school. I’m teaching her how to do that now in a lot of ways. One way is through ScholarShare 529. She is able to see how the money we put into the savings plan grows each month, and it makes her excited. She won’t have any trouble saving on her own when the time comes.

6. Recognizing health issues

Right now, when Ayva doesn’t feel well, I know it, because #MamaKnowsItAll. Ayva will need to know how to take cues from her body so that she can stay well.

7. Negotiate salary, rates, etc.

Whether it’s for an internship, part time job, or to save money on a bill, I’m teaching Ayva her value so that she knows how to ask for what she deserves.

8. Saying no

More than anything, when Ayva is off on her own, I want her to know that it’s okay to say no and how to do it.

It’s so hard to think about sending my daughter off to school, but it’s inevitable. She is going to grow up, and she’s going to want to go be an adult. My job is to make sure she’s set up for success, and I take that responsibility very seriously.

ScholarShare 529

Learn more about ScholarShare 529

Head over to the ScholarShare 529 website to find out more about their college savings plan. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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