I just finished making my vision board for 2014. I know, I know. It’s so cliché and overdone, right? All of these lists and vision boards and one word posts. You get it. New year, new me and all of that. It’s totally not necessary for me to write yet another blog post about how hard this year is going to rock. And yet, here I am. Another blogger writing another blog post about how hard this year is going to rock. You know why I’m writing it? I’m not doing it for pageviews or headpats (although both of those are pretty cool). I’m writing it because I think it’s normal to set goals and want to achieve them. There’s nothing wrong with planning to have a productive year. And mostly, I’m writing it because I believe in speaking and writing things into existence. Words are powerful.
Over the last few years, I’ve learned a few very important things about living a good life. The most important is that I need to get out of my own way. Whenever I make plans and try to mold my life to be the way that I think it should look with nothing included that’s difficult or challenging or that I don’t like, it never works. I don’t decide the specifics of my future. I pray, and read the Word, and listen, and then I move when it’s time. In the meantime, though, while I’m waiting for my orders, while I’m waiting for God and the universe to show me where and when and who, I have to prepare.
That’s the point of the vision board. It’s preparation for what’s to come. It’s getting my mind right, sorting out feelings, and giving me an idea of what I need to do to get ready for whatever mission I need to go on in 2014. As I was cutting out pictures, I wasn’t drawn to images that depicted things. Instead, I connected with photographs of people in action, people giving, people doing. There were phrases like, “dare to play” and “make it happen” that stood out to me, and words like “gratitude” and “remarkable”. I added photos of lush green vegetables, and bright fruits to symbolize my family’s health, (and the work that I’m going to do this year to help families in need of food) and then a handwritten list:
- Be the best wife.
- Be the best mother.
- Be the best servant of others.
After I finished my vision board tonight, I looked at it and thought maybe I was missing some things. There was nothing on there about travel or the book that I’m working on. I don’t have anything on there to represent the increased income I plan to make, or the school that I want Ayva to get into in the fall. In fact, anyone else who looks at my board might actually think that it lacks vision. Seriously, not even ONE mention of my award winning internet show? But you know, it’s exactly what I want my year to be. Certainly I have business and professional goals, but my soul goals, the things that will fulfill my heart and spirit, and make the world better, that’s where I’m placing my focus for 2014.
What are your soul goals? Forget about the fame and riches the year is sure to bring you. What goals do you need to work on in order to achieve contentment? What is your purpose in life? What will your legacy to your family and loved ones be? What will be your contribution to the world this year?
I want to know your one word, or your goals, or your vision for 2014. If you have a post, share it in the comments so I can check it out. If not, no worries, tell me anyway! Let’s go 2014!
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