The Trying To Conceive Starter Kit

trying to conceive

It’s official. We’re working on expanding our family, and I’m serious about getting pregnant by the end of this year. Of course I know that we are ultimately not in control, and that things will happen in God’s time. I also know that not taking care of my body isn’t helping God’s timing at all, though, so I’ve decided to take an academic (but still fun and interesting) approach to taking charge of my fertility.

I took some time to gather all of the tools that I’ll need. After consulting with lots of friends, my doctor, and Google, I’ve put together a no-holds barred Trying to Conceive Starter Kit for Terrence and I to use in our quest to make a baby! Are you trying to conceive? Check this list out and see if I missed anything. (This post contains affiliate links)

The Trying to Conceive Starter Kit


I have friends who swear by Pre-Seed for couples who are trying to conceive. Apparently regular lubes can actually be harmful to sperm. Pre-Seed provides antioxidant support for sperm and is similar to a woman’s fertile fluids.

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Digital Thermometer

Temperature is an important key to fertility. Did you know that you can accurately track your ovulation by knowing your basal body temperature? It’s important to check before you get out of the bed, so I purchased a new one specifically to keep by my bed. Here’s a digital thermometer that’s super affordable.

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Fertility Books

Taking Charge of Your Fertility – Every single person I’ve talked to about trying to conceive recommended this book. It’s a must have for folks who are trying to have a baby.

Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility – This book meshes Western and Eastern medicine for a well-rounded fertility program. I’m just digging into it, but finding it to be enlightening already.

Eat Yourself Pregnant: Essential Recipes for Boosting Your Fertility Naturally – I love that this book features complete recipes with pictures, and well as sample detox and eating plans. I hate that it encourages me to give up my beloved sugar. Wah.

One Good Egg – Suzy Becker is a bestselling author who went through 15 years of fertility challenges. In this book, she shares her story in a funny and encouraging way. It’s nice for perspective.

Once you have your starter kit all together, you’ll need to relax, get in a sexy mood, and try to enjoy the process of baby making! I’ll keep you updated on how things are going over here!

2 responses to “The Trying To Conceive Starter Kit”

  1. Janeane Davis Avatar

    I wish you and your husband every success in your journey towards expanding your family. I remember once upon a time I was diagnosed as infertile. Now, many years and 4 children later, I understand how hard it is sometimes to conceive. Be encouraged!

  2. Renae Avatar

    Congrats on deciding to expand your family!! What a blessing and enjoy the journey!!

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