Get a deep cleaning schedule before the holidays start in this sponsored story with Socialstars featuring Zep Grout Cleaner & Whitener! #ZepSocialstars
If you had to choose the most unsexy household chore, what would it be? It certainly wouldn’t be vacuuming. Turn on a little bit of music, and vacuuming is darn near exercise! As much as I loathe doing dishes, with the right dish detergent, the chore can end with a clean kitchen and soft hands. Soft hands are definitely sexy. Cleaning the tile and grout, though? Yeah. That’s totally unsexy. It also just so happens to be the chore that I have to do the most because our apartment is covered in it!
Grout. Even sound of the word is ugly. I can say, though, there is nothing more satisfying than going at some grout with Zep Grout Cleaner & Whitener and seeing the transformation. From the floors to the tile in the kitchen and bathroom, even my husband (who doesn’t notice anything when it comes to deep cleaning) can tell the difference.
As much as I know some folks may not want to hear this, the holidays are right around the corner. Halloween is up first, then from there it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, and every other winter holiday that people celebrate. You know what that means, right? Houseguests. Instead of driving yourself crazy and waiting until the last minute to take care of deep cleaning while you’re juggling baking cookies, roasting turkeys, and wrapping presents, go ahead and start getting your home ready now. You can knock out things like cleaning the grout, and shampooing your carpets now so that when things get really hectic, you just have to do the light stuff!
Holiday Deep Cleaning Schedule
- Use Zep Grout Cleaner & Whitener to clean the tiles in the bathroom and kitchen.
- Get rid of of clutter.
- Wash curtains and wipe down blinds.
- Shampoo the carpets.
- Replace linens and make sure there are enough for guests.
- Get couch cleaned.
- Put up Christmas tree.
- Daily dusting, quick vacuum and disinfecting.
- Enjoy my family and friends.
In addition to starting early and following a schedule, one of the best ways to ensure you aren’t going crazy with cleaning around the holidays is by using products that are formulated for deep cleaning. Zep Commercial Grout Cleaner and Whitener was made to clean grout lines that are super dirty without a ton of back breaking scrubbing. It comes with a built in squirt top to make it quick and easy to use. The best part about Zep Commercial Grout Cleaner and Whitener is that it’s bleach free, so I can clean even when my daughter is home and it won’t irritate her.
So, go forth and do the unsexy chores now, Friends. Once you’re done, go and wash some dishes or vacuum. It’ll make you feel better!
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