Every year since Ayva was born, I’ve looked forward to The Week of the Young Child™. Sponsored by National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), The Week of the Young Child™ encourages me to be intentional about celebrating the things that makes my little girl special. This year will be extra significant, because it marks Ayva’s last year in preschool, and her graduation out of the “young child” category.
I’m not ready, y’all!
I know, I know…I’d better get ready, right? Whether I like it or not, my baby girl is growing up. That’s why I want to make this year’s Week of the Young Child™ (April 6th – 12th) memorable for Ayva and me. This week, Ayva has her first ever field trip with her school, and I’ll be chaperoning and taking pictures. We’re also headed to Disneyland later this week for the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration (which we were at 2 years ago during the Week of the Young Child™!). Before then, though, I have a few surprises in store for Ayva because if there’s one thing young children like, it’s being surprised!
Read about the time I almost left Ayva at home, and why I’m glad I didn’t.
If you’re celebrating Week of the Young Child™ with your little ones, let me know what you have planned. If they go to preschool, don’t forget to thank their teachers, too! Just in case you are at a loss for what to do, here are a few ideas to help you to get into the Week of the Young Child™ spirit!
Learn what I discovered at Disney Social Media Moms!
- Go to the playground with your young child. Put your phone away (or leave it at home!) and just play!
- Pick up a few extra picture books from the library, and have a read-a-thon with your little one.
- Make cookies or muffins with your child to take to their teachers and friends at school.
- Have a fun movie night with your young child. Let them pick out the movie and help make popcorn.
- Help your little one make thank you cards for their teachers, or other special folks in their lives.
- Give your child a card thanking them for being special. List all of the things that you love about them inside.
- Plan a surprise for your young child one morning. It could be pancakes shaped like Mickey Mouse, or a bunch of balloons outside their room. I’m going to hang a banner on Ayva’s door that she’ll see when she wakes up!
- Head to an area museum with your little one to encourage learning about new things. You may be able to get free or discounted passes through your library. Also, call to see if they are having any Week of the Young Child celebrations!
- Ask your young child what THEY would like to do. Children always have the best ideas!
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