Our Fun #DisneySide Ice Cream Social!

#DisneySide Ice Cream Social

One of my favorite things about living in California is spending time with our friends from church. With Ayva being an only child, it’s always nice to fellowship with the other families so she can hang out with other children while Terrence and I can fellowship with the parents. My in-laws are the Queen and King of Get Togethers, so when I was offered a chance to host a #DisneySide Celebration, they were gracious enough to offer their home for a fun ice cream social!

It just so happened that the day of our #DisneySide Ice Cream Social was also the first rain in weeks for our area, so 98% of our guests decided to stay home. Nevertheless, we had a fun time with our friends,  the Gillespies and their 3 beautiful children, my girlfriends Baniah and Ann, my in-laws, Terrence, and of course, Ayva! I didn’t worry about the low turnout. I never do. The thing is, as long as the folks who are in attendance are having a good time, then the event is a success! We had lots of extras to take to Children’s Church later, as well to share with Ayva’s class at school. So, I guess our #DisneySide is about making everyday moments special, and spreading the love around! Take a look at some of our pictures, and then tell me how you and your family express your #DisneySide!












Many thanks to BSM Media and my friends at Walt Disney World Resorts and Parks for providing such fun and magical free products in order to host the Disney Side @Home Celebration. The opinions expressed here are my own.

One response to “Our Fun #DisneySide Ice Cream Social!”

  1. Brandi Riley Avatar
    Brandi Riley

    So fun! Thanks, @Sarah! Yes, the cheese was my husband's idea!

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