This #MondaysforGood post was written in partnership with Jimmy Dean. Let’s Shine It Forward!
Mondays have gotten a bad rap over the years. People talk so bad about it! They’re all like, “Monday. Blah.” and “Monday. Coffee.” and have even started saying things like, “Wednesday. Feels like Monday. Ick.”
Come on, people. Give Monday a break.
As much as I love the time I get to spend with my family on the weekend, I really do look forward to the first day of the work week. As an entrepreneur, it signifies the beginning of a new week of adventure. I never know what amazing project is going to land in my inbox each week, giving me a chance to be creative and earn a living to take care of my family. I have no clue what kind of clients I’ll have the chance to delight and serve. Each week is an unchartered territory to awesomeness, and Monday is the door to all of that!
See what I mean? What’s not to love about Mondays?
Shine It Forward
Still not convinced? I know what’ll get you. Try doing something nice for someone every Monday. Take the chance to shine it forward at the beginning of the week, and watch your feelings about the day transform. Jimmy Dean is feeling me on my quest to make Monday the best day of the week, and the “Shine It Forward” movement is just what we need to get this positivity train rolling!
You know how one small thoughtful action can turn into another and another? Well, that’s what Shine It Forward is about. This Monday, when you stop to get coffee, pick up one for the coworker that sits next to you, or pay for the person who’s ordering behind you. I work from home, so I’m going to take a few minutes this morning to write a couple of recommendations on LinkedIn as I drink my coffee. See, you can shine even if you stay in the house today!
How are you going to Shine It Forward today? Tweet @JimmyDean using #MondaysForGood or post on Facebook/Instagram and share what good you’ll do today, or what you’d do if you had a Monday morning off to do good. Then, head over to to sign the petition to make #MondaysForGood a national holiday!
Shine on, Monday Warriors! Shine on!
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