12 Must-Read Memoirs By Black Women

memoirs by Black women

memoirs by Black women
I love to read, and memoirs by Black women is one of my favorite genres.

I’m sure it has much to do with being a Black woman.

Seeing how other women like me were able to create lives that are meaningful and impactful, in whatever way, is inspiring.

That’s the draw of these books for me, but you don’t have to be Black to enjoy them.

Learn more about the Black experience by reading memoirs by Black women

Over the last couple of years there’s been more interest in folks wanting a better understanding of the Black American experience.

I love that! And it’s about time. 

Reading memoirs by Black women and getting their first person accounts does a few things:

  1. You’re able to learn about an aspect of the Black woman experience without laboring your associates.
  2. You support the creative and financial livelihood of a Black woman author.
  3. It enlarges your world and gives you a broader perspective of other human experiences on this earth besides your own.

Memoirs By Black Women

[mv_create key=”40″ layout=”numbered” thumbnail=”https://mamaknowsitall.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Screen-Shot-2022-02-05-at-11.38.21-AM.png” title=”Black Women Memoirs” type=”list”]

Talk to the Black women in your life

These books are just the beginning. Reading them is the least you can do to learn more about the experiences of Black women in this country.

I want to encourage you not to overlook the Black women you actually know, too.

Talk to the Black women in your life. Listen to them. Get to know them.

If you’re really seeking understanding and community, do the work. The rewards are worth it!

memoirs by Black women

Read these books for free

Most of these books are available at the library for free.

If you would like to own them for yourself, you can sign up for a free trial Prime membership at Amazon.

Also, Kindle Unlimited often has books written by Black women available.

I love the service. It’s less than $10/month and I can read a huge selection of books.

‘Try out this free trial of Kindle Unlimited

2 responses to “12 Must-Read Memoirs By Black Women”

  1. Adwoa Avatar

    I just bookmarked this because I will read every last one book in this list that I haven’t already read. Love this. Thanks.

    1. brandijeter Avatar

      That makes me so happy!!! Let me know how you like each book!

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