LVNG With is a Community

I have received information and materials from AstraZeneca. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post.

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It creeps up on me when I least expect it. I can be having a great day, doing something really fun, when all of a sudden, the urge to call my grandmother hits me. I want to ask her a question, or get her advice on something, but I can’t. She’s gone. It’s been 13 years since my Grandma Elaine passed away from lung cancer, but not a day goes by that I don’t think about her, that I don’t miss her. When you lose a loved one to cancer, the pain never really goes away. Sure, you learn to keep living out of necessity, but there’s always an ache in your heart.

When my grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer, my family didn’t really know much about it. We didn’t have a lot of experience with cancer in our family at all. Looking back, I wish we had more support so that we could have been more help to her. We were there for her as much as we could be, but we all would have felt better knowing that she had a support system that really understood what she was going through.

About LVNG With

lvng with

LVNG With is a support community for people who have been diagnosed with lung cancer, and their friends and family. The site connects, informs, and helps those who are living with lung cancer feel like they’re not alone. There are personal stories of survivors to inspire hope, and education information to help both the patient and their loved ones understand everything that comes along with a lung cancer diagnosis. Now that my grandmother is gone, I still think about her and all that she went through. According to the LVNG With site, lung cancer can change, and the disease can worsen with the development of new mutations. Not only is it important to manage the cancer in its current form, but it’s critical for people who have been diagnosed to be tested, and re-tested, for specific biomarkers to determine what type of cancer they have and if any changes occur.

I had no idea.

You don’t have to be uniformed. Check out the LVNG With site for information on everything from the emotions of receiving a lung cancer diagnosis to finances, and learn more about genetic testing.

You are not alone. You can get through this. LVNG With is here to help.

Check out the LVNG With website, or follow them on Facebook or Instagram.

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