Looking For A Chore That Kids Can Help With? Try Laundry!

Thanks to the all new Persil for sponsoring this conversation on how kids can help with laundry!

Growing up, I used to think my parents had me just so that they could put me to work. Clean the bathroom, vacuum the floor, wash the dishes. It was like I was their own personal servant. Once I became an adult, though, I realized they were just preparing me to be able to take care of myself and my own home. I look back on the chores that I had and feel actually kind of grateful that they gave me those tools! Now that I’m a mom, I know how important it is to give Ayva those same tools. She knows how to make her bed, and she empties the trash in the bathroom, and whenever it’s time to do laundry, Terrence and I get her to help us out. 

Doing laundry is a great chore for kids in a lot of ways. It’s educational, it’s physical, basically doing laundry is pretty much the most perfect, most fun activity that kids could possibly do, ever. Okay. I might be reaching just a bit, but it is a good way to get children introduced to helping out around the house. Here’s are a few ways that children can pitch in with laundry:

  1. Gather all of the dirty clothes and towels from around the house and place them in the laundry basket.
  2. Separate the laundry by color.
  3. If you use a coin operated machine like us, they can count out the right amount of quarters to put in the machine.
  4. Measure out the right amount of laundry detergent (only with your supervision).
  5. Help put the laundry in the washing machine.
  6. Transfer the laundry from the washer to the dryer.
  7. Help fold and put away the clothes when they’re dry.

We recently had the chance to try out the new Persil Pro-Clean Laundry Detergent, and it was the perfect occasion for putting Ayva’s laundry skills to the test. She’s been helping me out for awhile, but this time, I let her do everything by herself while I supervised. Good thing she was there, too, because I was too busy being blown away by the fresh Persil scent, and how unbelievably bright the detergent got our whites! Seriously, I was in the laundry room fan girling over detergent. They don’t call it #TheProfessional for nothing!  Here’s more about Persil from the maker:

Persil ProClean detergent is available in three different forms:

o Power-Liquid – Contains a powerful combination of stain-fighters that help break down stains for an exceptional clean.

o Power-Pearls – An innovative new kind of detergent that is loaded with Pro-White technology for dazzling whites. Also for colors. (Note that that during shipment product may have filled the reservoir but you can easily remove the spout and pour out any excess product. This should only be an issue for the first pour or so.)

o Power-Caps – Pre-measured Power-Caps detergent capsule combines Pro-Lift Stain Removers plus a Brightness Formula for a premium clean.

· Persil ProClean is now available in store only at Walmart.

This detergent is a professional stainbuster, and that was apparent after just one load.  Find out more about Persil Pro-Clean on Twitter @PersilProClean, Facebook or check it out on YouTube at PersilProClean.

Win A Year’s Supply Of Persil Pro-Clean!

Do you want a chance to win a year supply of Persil and a premium night out on the town? From now to April 12th, you can enter to win a premium night on town which includes a $300 Nordstrom.com gift card, $200 OpenTable.com gift card, and a $150 Uber.com card credit. A second place winner will also receive a year supply of Persil®. Go to the Persil Sweepstakes site to enter!

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2 responses to “Looking For A Chore That Kids Can Help With? Try Laundry!”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    We alternate with our kids between vacuuming, folding clothes and washing dishes. They are 10 and 12 and surprisingly do a very good job.

    1. brandijeter Avatar

      Aww! That’s great! It’s a great lesson to learn!

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