This post is brought to you by Remake Learning and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.
Being a mom is both exhilarating and exhausting. From the second my daughter entered into the world, the sense of responsibility that I feel for her well-being has been overwhelming.
Is she eating the right kind of food? Am I reading to her enough? Is she signed up for enough activities? Do I spend enough quality time with her?
I started my motherhood journey by myself. I was a single mom before I met my husband.
The pressure of being the sole provider both financially and emotionally had me questioning myself every single day.
All I wanted to do was make sure that I was the kind of mother that Ayva would grow up to appreciate and know how much I loved her.
Now that I have two children, that feeling of wanting to do my very best for my babies has multiplied.
That’s all most moms ever really want.
Whenever I talk to my other mom friends, they all express the same feelings. They’re worried that they’re not doing enough.
Parenting now is tougher than ever
And now we’re in the middle of a pandemic. Life as we knew it is gone, and there are even more layers to parenting that we hope we’re not messing up.
After a few teary moments where I broke down in my husband’s arms, worrying that we just weren’t doing enough to make sure they would thrive through this typical time, I started to observe my children.
They are doing just fine.
And that’s when it hit me.
It doesn’t matter how many fun places we take our kids, or if our house seems a wee bit small when we’re all in it together 24/7.
My husband and I are working from the home, and the kids are getting a little more screen time than we’d like during the week.
All of the things that we are able to do, they matter.
The family movie nights (we watched 20 movies in one franchise last month!) and bedtime stories are memories, too.
Hanging out at the park, laying on a blanket and looking for clouds is just as helpful in making a child feel as loved as a summer road trip does.
Like Fred Rogers once said, “Pretending doesn’t require expensive toys.” And neither does memory making. In fact, there are studies that show that parent don’t have to be perfect at all. They just need to be involved.
It’s not the big things that matter the most to our children, it’s the tiny ones. The itty bitty sacrifices we make each day to make life just a little bit better for our children, those are the things that they’ll look back on to know how much we loved them.
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