Since moving to California almost two years ago, we’ve been very blessed that Ayva has only fallen ill once. It stinks to see my baby sick! Instead of singing at the top of her lungs, jumping off of things, and being a generally busy in the way that only preschoolers can be, she was laying in the bed, quiet and lethargic. In between cuddles, wiping her down with cool cloths, and giving her Little Remedies® to soothe her sore throat, I also had to find ways to entertain her during the times when she was a little more lively. Those periods would come every few hours or so, and last for about 45 minutes before she was tuckered out and ready to lay down again.
We certainly watched television a little bit, but there were a few times that the sound and the light from the television made Ayva’s eyes and head hurt. That wasn’t a huge problem for us, since Ayva doesn’t watch a ton of television anyway. The only challenge was finding things that we could do in the bed, and that also didn’t require a lot of movement. Think of it as saying yes to less activity. Check out the list below for some ideas of things to do with your sick little munchkin:
- Read – I know that this is an obvious one, but if you have younger children, try reading a book that is longer than usual. When Ayva was sick last year, I was able to get through “Pippi Longstockings” with her. She was content to lay and listen.
- Do Puzzles – Putting together jigsaw puzzles or doing Hidden Pictures a la Highlights for Children will keep your little one occupied without exerting a lot of energy.
- Build Something – Legos or Tinker Toys are great to play with in the bed, and they’re extra fun when Mommy is playing along. I like them because they’re easy to keep track of when you’re not moving!
- Color – When your little one is sick, a new coloring book is an inexpensive pick me up. Pick one that features their favorite character, and get comfy with your crayons.
- Sing – Ayva is always singing to me. When she wasn’t feeling good, it was my turn to do the serenading. Music makes everyone feel better, and soft, sweet lullabies soothe sick little Ayva’s!
Just like we say yes to less activity when Ayva isn’t feeling good, Little Remedies® says yes to less when it comes to ingredients. Their products are free from artificial colors, artificial flavors and alcohol. Take the Little Remedies® For Tummys™ Gas Relief Drops, for example. The drops help to quickly relieve excess gas, but there’s no alcohol, saccharin or preservatives. When my little girl is sick, I know I don’t want to risk her feeling even worse by giving her medicine filled with tons of artificial ingredients that can make her feel even worse. That’s why Little Remedies® has been my go-to since Ayva was a tiny baby!
Alright, Mamas. How do you keep your little ones entertained when they’re sick? Do you cuddle and watch television, or do you cuddle and color? I’d love to get a few more tricks up my sleeve!
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