Just Because I Like You, Doesn’t Mean We’re Friends

Y’all know how it is. You’re wasting time on Twitter, and someone retweets something that is funny, or thought-provoking. You follow the tweet to find out who was the originator. Once you find them, you follow them, y’all start conversing, and you find out that you have a lot in common. A couple of weeks later, you find each other on Facebook. Then you start inboxing, emailing each other back and forth, and within a couple of months, you have a new internet bestie, complete with insider joke hashtags. I know a lot of folks that met this way, and have turned into real life confidantes and close friends. I met Arelis and Janeane online, and trust both of them with my password to my blog (so you KNOW it’s real!). A like can turn into a relationship, but it doesn’t start off like that.

Just like with in person relationships, online friendships take time to develop. Okay, so you see my pictures, and you know (what I choose to share publicly) about my life, but until we get to a certain level, most folks are only scratching the surface of who I really am. Even in the case of people who share (what may seem like) a lot of intimate information online, chances are, there’s more to them. Sometimes we get to the point with our online buddies that goes below the surface, and we realize that “Hey. I really like this person.” Other times, we learn more about them and decide, “Hmm..this person is different than I thought, and I don’t really want to be friends.”

It happened to me. When I first started blogging, I was so excited to connect with other bloggers that I was all “like, like, like”. Earlier this year, I was going through my friend list and I realized I didn’t even know half of the people I was “friends” with. I started paying closer attention to my feed, and discovered a few bigots, hatemongers, and worse of all, whiney brats. I’m not saying that some of my close friends and family don’t sometimes display those same behaviors (I probably do as well. I’m no saint…), but the difference is, I know them offline, too. I get to experience their 3 dimensions, so it balances out. If the only interaction I have with someone is online, and the only dimension I get to see of them is negative…delete, unlike, unfriend.

On the other hand, I have met some folks online, we became “real” friends, and I can’t stand them online anymore! And I know they’ve probably muted me, too, because they never comment on my status updates. And when we chat, we are really talking, and asking questions because, no, I didn’t see that you made pasta last night for dinner. And they’ve told me that my exclamation marks and perkiness annoy them. Ha! You know, friendships evolve, people change, and our relationships change. We may not start off as friends, but a like can be a start. Or not. Whatever.

Social media can sometimes give us the false sense that we are closer to folks than we really are. Getting an intimate look into people’s lives, we start to think that we know them. We start to feel familiar. And with familiarity comes expectations. And with expectations comes responsibility. And the next thing we know, we’re sitting at home, stressing out over a tweet or a Facebook post that someone we never even met in person wrote that we think might be about us. It’s crazy. We can not allow Facebook to define our relationships.

None of my best friends read my blog. Most of them don’t follow me on Twitter. Some of them haven’t liked my Facebook fan page. They don’t syndicate. Rarely comment. And yet, they’re the most important people in the world to me. They would (and have) gone to the ends of the earth for me, and I would give them the shirt off of my back. They may not like me, but they definitely love me. And that, to me, is what a “friend” is.

Tell me about the folks you LIKE online. Friends? Associates?  Or just…likes?

32 responses to “Just Because I Like You, Doesn’t Mean We’re Friends”

  1. RaisedByCulture Avatar

    I usually like most people until I meet them and find out they are faking the funk lol Online friendships are so hard to cultivate, grow and keep especially in our industry! But you… you is cool!

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      Oh, Xenia! This is so true, @RaisedByCulture:disqus! I mean, there’s a difference between not putting all of your stuff out there, and putting false stuff out there. I am always really pleased when I meet someone that I like online, and they are even better in person. You are an example of that. Generous, kind…stank people get nowhere. That’s why so many opportunities are opening up for you. Because you is real. LOL!

  2. clgossett Avatar

    Is it totally stupid that this made me tear up? I couldn’t agree more. And I like you. Some people? Not so much even though I continue to “like” them.

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      @clgossett:disqus You and I have a lot in common, which is why we like each other! You say what I think. That is what made me like like you. Your honesty and straightforwardness.

  3. JanetGoingCrazy Avatar

    Because you made me cry and then cried with me…that is why I love you. 😉

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      @janetgoingcrazy:disqus That moment with you was one of the highlights of the conference for me. Your sweetness, and desire to do more…and then the fact that you went home and opened up and gave us more of JANET, Mother, Wife, Rockstar…that’s why I love you!

  4. Amy Avatar

    OK, I can take the truth…we’re friends, right?

    1. Saidah Washington Avatar
      Saidah Washington

      I know right Amy…I need to know where I stand. LOL!!

      1. BrandiJeter Avatar

        Now, @lilac_the_bunny:disqus and @saidahwashington:disqus, y’all know I love you both more than flip flops. LOL! Seriously, y’all are my girls…no question about that!

        1. Saidah at AProverbsWife.com Avatar

          It;s okay if you love me more than those cute flip flops Amy made you. 🙂 Those were just too adorable!!

  5. Ann Imig Avatar
    Ann Imig

    Especially the last paragraph.

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      Yes. 🙂

  6. Saidah Washington Avatar
    Saidah Washington

    I love this Brandi…”And the next thing we know, we’re sitting at home, stressing out over a tweet or a Facebook post that someone we never even met in person wrote that we think might be about us. It’s crazy.

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      You are one of the first people who was really REAL with me about making boundaries, and I appreciate that, @saidahwashington:disqus!

  7. JasmineBrown Avatar

    Great stuff! Truly.

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      Thank you, @JasmineBrown:disqus!

  8. cookiesandclogs Avatar

    I totally agree and think a lot has to do with what they’ve got going on offline. It makes me sooooo sad to ‘read’ (vs hear) people saying that their online community is the only place they can turn to for friends. IRL, most of my family and friends don’t read what I write either, and that’s totally a-okay. If I seriously connect w/ someone online, that’s great. If not, no sweat off my back either. I also find that many online relationships are based on a ‘what can I get out of it’ kind of thing. It’s sobering to know that others feel similarly, especially from someone that seems so public 🙂

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      Yes, @cookiesandclogs:disqus, that is a big part of online relationships. Especially with the job that I have, where I am very social and interactive with folks online. I have to remind myself when I’m disappointed or hurt by them that: 1. We are not really friends so they don’t owe me anything., and 2. It’s silly for me to feel disappointed by someone that I don’t really know.

      I have learned to take the time to really get to know people versus becoming instant friends just because we’ve worked together on a campaign, or had fun tweeting each other at a Twitter party. And I’ve had to learn boundaries.

  9. Arlett R. Hartie Avatar

    I’ve recently had a similar experience of going through my personal Facebook and realizing that I don’t have personal relationships with a lot of people. Like you mentioned, in the early days of blogging I considered a lot of bloggers friends before I really got to know them. Some I still haven’t. I did a little house keeping on FB after the realization. I do love that you can have followers though. You can stay connected even if not as intimately as being “friends”.

    1. Arlett R. Hartie Avatar

      Oh and Best Wishes to you and your husband.

      1. BrandiJeter Avatar

        Thank you, @arlettrhartie:disqus!

    2. BrandiJeter Avatar

      We feel like friends, you know, because we get to see so much of each other’s lives. When drama and other stuff starts to come up, though, that’s often what reminds me that…”Hey. I don’t even really know this person to care this much!” Thank you for chiming in, @arlettrhartie:disqus!

  10. kaicongroup Avatar

    I find myself cleaning out my FB list on a daily basis. Privacy settings are awesome. And boundaries are really important. I so get that.

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      I need to get better about using the privacy settings, @kaicongroup:disqus. Right now, I’m just all private, but if I’m friends with someone, they can see everything.

  11. Arnebya Avatar

    That last paragraph says it all, absolutely. I take Twitter with a grain of salt and don’t consider any of those “followers” friends unless I know/follow them on other social outlets, primarily Facebook. I don’t even use FB daily other than one group of friends I’m in that I talk to religiously, ALL met online, only a few in person. Other than that, my immediate friend circle has been years in the making and our primary mode of contact is still email. Coworkers and other acquaintances of the past five years or fewer simply don’t register into long-term friendship. My oldest friend is from the first day of kindergarten. She’s not on any social media. And yet I have friends I’ve met online who fill a need because of our mutual onlineness. The friends I’ve had for years don’t have blogs or read mine (regularly) so it’s almost like separate “types” of friendship and I’m not sure any of them would get along if I weren’t a common denominator.

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      @Arnebya:disqus You have a great point. There are different types of friendships, and I think sometimes folks get upset if they don’t think I am making them “that” type of friend. It’s usually because…I just don’t really KNOW them.

  12. Estelle Sobel Erasmus Avatar
    Estelle Sobel Erasmus

    My best friends do follow my blog (cause they know it’s important to me, and want to be in the loop), but hardly ever comment. And they could care less about being on twitter so I hear you loud and clear. I think you have to know how to use FB. It is so not the place for rants and oh-my-life-is-so-perfect posts. I do like seeing people’s vacation (and wedding) photos though. Congrats by the way!

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      I do like seeing people’s lives on social media, too, @estellesobelerasmus:disqus! You are right, there is a way to use FB that isn’t…annoying…you know!

  13. Heather Avatar

    True, True, True. Conversing on social media is fun sometimes, but nothing beats sitting down with a cup of coffee and REAL friends. It’s as simple as that. No hashtags, likes or follows needed!

    1. BrandiJeter Avatar

      I like that, @disqus_TEoA8AJzQu:disqus! No hashtags needed. BAM!!!

  14. Jessica F. Hinton Avatar

    I love this post and can really, really relate! I, too, jumped into blogging with the false sense that somehow friendships made online would work differently than those offline. Offline, I was more guarded and had more strict criteria for what constituted a friend. Online? Well, I had none of that, I’m glad you made this realization and shared this! This is like a p.s.a for anyone new online.

    Oh, and that line – “Social media can sometimes give us the false sense that we are closer to
    folks than we really are. Getting an intimate look into people’s lives,
    we start to think that we know them. We start to feel familiar. And
    with familiarity comes expectations. And with expectations comes
    responsibility. And the next thing we know, we’re sitting at home,
    stressing out over a tweet or a Facebook post that someone we never even
    met in person wrote that we think might be about us. It’s crazy. We can
    not allow Facebook to define our relationships.” – I love this!

  15. The Maven Avatar

    I overuse exclamation points too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m so with you. Can I confess I unfriend people on their birthdays most often? Don’t recognize the name? BOOM GONE!

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