16 Girl Moms to Be Inspired By On Instagram


There’s something really sweet about being a girl mom. Oh, all children are special, but little girls are in a category all of their own. Girl moms these days are really lucky, too. Our daughters are growing up in an era where they don’t HAVE to wear dresses or favor the color pink, but they can if they want to. They are encouraged to dream big and are already way more confident than I remember being back when I was a little girl. Mothering girls of this era is a blessing.

One of the things that I love most about being a girl mom is the connection that my daughter and I have. When I laugh with her, or when we have those moments where we seem to be thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time, it makes me awe at the wonder of motherhood. What did I do to deserve this type of joy in my life?

I can’t pretend that being a girl mom is all sunshine and roses all the time, though. When you have a strong-willed miniature version of yourself to contend with, there are bound to be some challenges. That’s when I go to the other girl moms I know for inspiration. Sometimes I just need a reminder that this work, though it is hard, is the best job in the world!

Here are some of my favorite girl moms on Instagram who inspire me. They are intentional about building relationships with their daughters that is built on love, respect, encouragement, and empowerment. Check them out and follow them for inspiration as you raise your own girl! Are you a girl mom on Instagram? Use the hashtag #365daysofdaughter so we can follow you!

Instagram Girl Moms to Follow for Inspiration

Kayla and I traveled so much, just the two of us when she was little 👯 It had been a while since we had taken a girls trip and my heart feels full coming home. Seattle was a good reminder that I need to carve out more one on one time for us. The space needle was windy, and crazy and fun but my favorite moment was just before bed on our second night when she abandoned her kid cot and asked to come sleep with me in the big bed (which she had refused to do the night before) we both sat there propped up on fluffy pillows, reading our individual books and occasionally leaning in for a snuggle💓 Kids this age are funny. Sometimes they seem so big and other times it’s like they’re the little preschooler you once knew just with longer limbs and a bigger vocabulary. More girls trips to come!!!❤️✈️❤️ #3DSKidForADay

A photo posted by Jillian Warner (@hellosplendidblog) on

Love bugs #Sunday #frozenleggings

A photo posted by Allison Kenny (@raisingagogirl) on

Twinning with my best girl in our @happyhannas matching Elisabet dresses!

A photo posted by Sarah | Mom Blogger (@finnegan_hughes) on

Quien anda alli? Amigo o enemigo? #BusStopCostumes #busstopcostumesunited #SpanishBuzz #ToyStory

A photo posted by Tania Lamb (@lolalambchops) on

Mini + Me I still can’t believe how much she’s grown. Skirt is made by me and so is she!

A photo posted by Aaronica | The Crunchy Mommy (@thecrunchymommy) on

I had an amazing weekend but now it’s back to the #momlife grind 😊 #mommyweek

A photo posted by MommyWeek™ {Ashley} (@mommyweek) on

It’s cheesing kinda Saturday! Howdy friends😀😀😀 #momlife #mommyanddaughter #365daysofdaughter

A photo posted by Lyne A | AnointedHeels BLOG (@anointedheels) on

4 responses to “16 Girl Moms to Be Inspired By On Instagram”

  1. Leslie Heigh Avatar

    Followed and so nice to hear of you all ! It truly takes a village and I love being a girl mom ! ( I’m gonna start using that hashtag..lol) . I had my 1st and only girl at age 38(we’re both August babies, she was my present that arrived 6 days after my bday) I shared my Sahm and breastfeeding journey on my personal IG @Ijust_lovethis and now that I have a Big 5 yr old, fondly referred to on the blog as #outandaboutAva, I share our family fun @SobeSavvy , SobeSavvy.com.
    I hope tonconnect with you all…and thanks for sharing this Brandi!

    1. brandijeter Avatar

      It really does take a village, and I’ll take all of the motivation and support I can get! Thanks so much for commenting!

  2. Sarah Hughes Avatar
    Sarah Hughes

    Thank you so much for including me! xox

    1. brandijeter Avatar

      Absolutely! I love the relationship that you and H have! <3

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