There’s something really sweet about being a girl mom. Oh, all children are special, but little girls are in a category all of their own. Girl moms these days are really lucky, too. Our daughters are growing up in an era where they don’t HAVE to wear dresses or favor the color pink, but they can if they want to. They are encouraged to dream big and are already way more confident than I remember being back when I was a little girl. Mothering girls of this era is a blessing.
One of the things that I love most about being a girl mom is the connection that my daughter and I have. When I laugh with her, or when we have those moments where we seem to be thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time, it makes me awe at the wonder of motherhood. What did I do to deserve this type of joy in my life?
I can’t pretend that being a girl mom is all sunshine and roses all the time, though. When you have a strong-willed miniature version of yourself to contend with, there are bound to be some challenges. That’s when I go to the other girl moms I know for inspiration. Sometimes I just need a reminder that this work, though it is hard, is the best job in the world!
Here are some of my favorite girl moms on Instagram who inspire me. They are intentional about building relationships with their daughters that is built on love, respect, encouragement, and empowerment. Check them out and follow them for inspiration as you raise your own girl! Are you a girl mom on Instagram? Use the hashtag #365daysofdaughter so we can follow you!
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