Good Soil Collage Children’s Church Activity

Good Soil Collage

Serving in Children’s Church with Terrence over the past few months has been such a blessing to me. It seems like every time it’s our turn to serve, the lesson that we teach the children speaks directly to what’s going on in my life. I take it as confirmation. Words from a friend during a conversation earlier this week were made more clear through our opening text this morning in front of our children:

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

-Luke 8:15 (NIV)

In order to bring that message home to the children, we created a simple collage that they can hang up in their home to help them memorize, and live, the verse.

Good Soil Collage


  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Assortment of seeds
  • Scissors

What To Do:

1. Let each of the children choose the color of construction paper that they’d like to use.

2. Cut a piece of brown paper to represent the good soil and glue it to the paper.

3. Have the children rip out abstract flowers from different colors of construction paper and glue it to the paper.

4. Cut out stems (or have the children cut it out) and glue to the paper underneath the flower.

5. Encourage the children to complete the picture in any way that they’d like.

6. Glue seeds underneath the good soil.

7. Add the scripture to the picture by writing it (or by having the children write it) on another piece of paper and gluing it to the picture.

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