Wow. Fourth grade. If it’s anything like last year, we are in for an interesting ride.
Ayva learned a lot last year about managing her time, and taking care of obligations. Our entire family did. From choir to Girl Scouts, theater, basketball, and church—not to mention homework and chores, we all stayed busy.
This year is going to be more of the same, but at least now we know what to expect.
For me, fourth grade is where a lot of my elementary school memories really start. I remember it being a year of weird friendship stuff, and wacky hormonal things. It was a lot of fun being almost a big kid with increased responsibilities, but it was also hard at times. I remember that 4th grade is when kids all really started to understand that we were different than each other, and that wasn’t always a good thing.
As Ayva starts this school year, I know that I have to be even more intentional than normal to make sure I’m keeping her spirits high, and helping her navigate the space of discovering who she is. I’ll be sure to ask questions and listen, really listen, to her as she answers them and shares the Ayva that she is becoming with me.
I’ve already started.
Ayva has been participating in choir for the last three years. It’s outside of the school, and teaches children how to sing classical music. My girl is an excellent singer, but last week she told me she didn’t want to do it anymore. She told me that she loves to sing, but she doesn’t like the music. She wants to sing pop songs, not the classics. As much as I wanted her to keep attending, I had to honor her wishes. She’s old enough to know what she likes.
This is just the beginning. It’s just day one.
This girl is ready. I guess I’d better get on board!
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