February Baby Month at Sam’s Club is Right On Time!

This post brought to you by Sam’s Club. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Mama Knows It All.

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It's been nearly 8 years since I had a little baby, and to be quite honest, I had forgotten all of the things a baby needs. Diapers, clothes, wipes, toys...the list goes on and on. As much as I enjoy shopping, getting in and out of the car going to store after store with a big belly to find the best deals on baby's stuff is not something that I have the energy to do.

I know what you're thinking. Just do all of my shopping online, right? Well, there's no fun in that! I want to go inside of the store and see all the itty bitty baby items in person! Thankfully, it's February Baby Month at Sam’s Club and SamsClub.com, and they are the one stop shop for all of my baby needs.

All month long there will be deals and savings to make stocking up for our new addition easy on wallet, and not as time-consuming as having to chase sales at a bunch of different stores. The other day I was thinking about the day I took my daughter home from the hospital. A fabulous nurse came running outside after me with a stack of diapers that the hospital had given me that I left in my room. I didn't know I could take them home, and really, and a new mom, I didn't realize how precious diapers would be! I quickly learned that bulk was the way to go when it came to baby basics, and I'll definitely be prepared this time around.

Whether you're prepping for a new little one, or your baby is already here, head over to Sam's Club or SamsClub.com this February to get the best deals for the tiniest member of your family!

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