Be Kind and Love Yourself

This post celebrating my mother and love is sponsored by Lunchbox.

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Do you love yourself? How did you learn?

It’s been no secret that my relationship with my mother has had its ups and downs. It’s been a recurring theme throughout my entire life. I’ve learned to adapt and continue to move forward despite what season our relationship is in. Regardless of the challenges we face, on thing remains the same. We still love each other.

That’s the funny thing about love. It’s patient and kind, but it can also be complicated and resilient, just like my mother. While there have certainly been times that I’ve felt hurt by her, the older I get, the more I’m working to try to focus on the times that she has been there for me. I’m choosing to find the love in our relationship.

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My biggest wish for my mom.

My biggest wish for my mom, though, isn’t about the love that she shows to me or others, but rather that she would make a habit of loving herself more. I want her to know and believe that she is worthy of love. I guess that’s my wish for all of us, Moms, though. We work so hard to make sure we’re doing what we need to do for other people in order to prove ourselves worthy of their care, when really, we need to love ourselves first.

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Dove is a brand that has been at the forefront of reminding women to love who they are, just as they are. Over the years, their various campaigns have encouraged women to recognize their worth and the beauty. Now they’re taking that message and making it tangible. For the first time ever, the iconic Dove bars have been imprinted with words of inspiration. The limited edition products say one of 4 words: Real, Love, Care, or Kind. It’s the perfect reminder for all of us, and made a super appropriate edition to the care package that I made to congratulate my mother on her new job.

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Who inspires you? Head to your local Walmart to get one of these uplifting Dove products to encourage yourself, or someone else you care about.

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