Disney Baby Fun for Busy Little Ones

Paid support and Disney Baby Winnie the Pooh First Best Friend products provided by Disney.
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Wearing a Tigger Romper courtesy of Disney Baby

It’s amazing how quickly time seems to pass when you have a newborn. After nine long months of pregnancy, the part we’ve all been waiting for, the best part, goes by so fast! It’s not fair! You would think it’d be the opposite. Long days with a baby sleeping should drag along but that’s not the case at all. Between changing diapers, nursing, and welcoming visitors, there’s always something to do.

Even if you rarely leave the house, the baby needs new experiences every day to shape him into the person that he’s going to be. From tummy time to reading books, engaging baby in different activities is not only great for their development, but a fantastic way to bond with them as well.

So how do you know which products are the best ones to purchase for these very important activities? Since this time with the baby goes by so fast, it’s not like we have forever to do months of research. That’s one of the reasons I tend to go with the brands that I have known and loved since I was a child.

The Disney Baby Winnie the Pooh Happy As Can Bee Infant to Toddler Rocker and the Disney Baby Winnie The Pooh Happy As Can Bee Activity Gym, both from Bright Starts have been the perfect addition to our little boy’s daily activities. Bright and colorful and featuring all of the sweet Winnie the Pooh characters, at just three months old, baby boy is already getting lots of enjoyment from them both.

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Wearing his Winnie the Pooh top and pants set

Since the Disney Baby Winnie the Pooh Rocker can be stationary or vibrating, we use it to help baby boy relax or to soothe him depending on his mood. As his eyesight improves, the toy bar has been keeping his attention, and it’s fun to watch him observe them intently. We usually put him in the rocker when he’s in a chill mood, and it typically helps him to fall asleep.

The first time I put him on the Disney Baby Winnie The Pooh Activity Gym, I couldn’t believe how engaged he was right away. Even though he’s teeny tiny, the music and the toys still engaged him. I could see him moving his eyes, he bounced his legs, and even started trying to move his head. I’m looking forward to seeing how much fun he has with the activity gym as he gets older! For right now, it’s perfect for tummy time, and putting him on his back for entertainment.disney 2

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Wearing his Winnie the Pooh Sleep n Play

Both of these products are affordable (the rocker is $39.98 and the activity gym is $49.98 at Walmart) must haves for keeping baby engaged and entertained. All of the items featured here are part of the Winnie the Pooh Best Friends collection, available exclusively at Walmart. Make the most of these fleeting baby days by spending time playing with your little one!

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