Find out how to change a baby in public in this sponsored post.
I love when I see new parents with all of their gear ready for whatever life with a baby throws at them.
It reminds me of myself back in the day.
Years ago when my daughter was a baby, I was just like them.
I was always overly prepared with a bag packed with anything that I thought I would need when I wasn’t at home.
Everything was smooth for awhile, and I felt like I had things under control.
Then, I went to an event and although there were tons of restrooms, none of them had a baby changing station.
That’s when things got real.
Although I had a changing pad with me, I didn’t want to lay my precious child on the filthy floor.
Instead I went into a stall and squatted down.
Then, working my thigh muscles like never before, I placed my daughter across my lap, and changed her diaper, balancing both my weight and hers on the soles of my feet.
That’s when I knew I was a boss.
When you have a baby, you have to be flexible and get creative sometimes.
You’re not always going to be in a situation that’s as pristine and baby ready as your nursery at home.
If you’re bold enough to go places with your little one, you need to be bold enough to get down and dirty to take care of business.
That’s why I want to show you how to change your baby baby’s diaper anywhere. I promise you, you’ll need this tip at some point.
How to Change a baby in public
Make sure you have the bare essentials.
Most parents have diaper bags filled with all sorts of baby goodies.
We have everything from toys to nail clippers in ours.
None of that matters if you don’t have the bare essentials.
Diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, and a blanket.
Of course, if they have a big blowout, it’s smart to have an extra set of ONESIES® Brand bodysuits and pants with you so that you can switch out the soiled clothes.
The ONESIES line is filled with comfortable mix and match options that pack and travel well.
They’re so affordable that you can even keep a pair in your diaper bag permanently without feeling like you’re wasting a ton of money. That’s really all you need to change a baby’s diaper anywhere.
Place your baby on your lap and give them something to do.
My daughter was easygoing and very chill.
My son loves to move around.
Your baby needs to be on board in order for you to have a successful diaper change anywhere.
I have learned to give Jamie an extra diaper to play with to keep him occupied while I go to work changing his diaper.
When the going gets tough, I’ve also given him my keys and my cellphone.
Hey, you do what you gotta do.
Work swiftly.
When I’m at home, I sing to Jamie, we’re playing and having a great time while I’m changing his diaper.
When we’re not at home, I am trying to get in and get out.
The key to how to change a baby in public is to NEVER STOP MOVING.
Here’s the exact sequence you should use when changing your baby on the go:
- Sanitize your hands.
- Pull out the diaper and wipes.
- Place the baby on your lap.
- Hold the baby with one hand at all times so that they don’t fall.
- Use the other hand to open the diaper.
- Slide down your baby’s pants and unbutton their ONESIE.
- Slide the new diaper under the old diaper.
- Open the old diaper and lift your baby’s legs up so you can wipe their little bum.
- Pull out the old diaper and pull the new diaper up and fasten it.
- Snap the ONESIE bodysuit and pull up their pants.
- Close the old diaper so you can throw it away.
- Sanitize your hands again.
- Brush off your shoulders because YOU DID THAT!!! YAAASSS!!!
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