What’s It Like to Be a Big Sister?

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Becoming a big sister after 8 years of being an only child isn’t easy. After nearly a decade of being the star of the family, learning to share the spotlight can make many siblings feel left out or forgotten about. I was worried about my Ayva with the addition of Jamie to the family, but I really didn’t need to. She has adjusted to being a big sister without any issues, and I’m so proud of her. Not only is she a great helper to Terrence and me, but she genuinely loves and cares about the baby. I know that we are very fortunate.

That being said, I’m not taking her flexibility for granted. I’m making sure that we continue to let Ayva know that she is just as important a part of this family as ever. She and I have started mommy & me dates, and I make sure I give her my full attention when she needs it. Did I mention that I am a big sister, too? I know exactly what it’s like to feel like the baby has taken over everything and I never want Ayva to feel that.

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The other day I did a quick check-in with Ayva to see how she was doing and how she felt about being a big sister. I love her honesty, and the great advice she gives to parents to make sure older siblings continue to feel included. Check out her interview in this Facebook Live video:

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