Influential African-American Mom Bloggers AND A List

Influential African American Mom Bloggers

I never set out to be an African-American Mom Blogger, but 4 years ago, when I started this site to share stories of motherhood, I became exactly that. I mean, I’m Black. I’m a mom. I blog. Put it all together and what do you get? Well, I’m not the only one out here, and I’ve been so fortunate to be able to meet and interact with influential women of all colors to share stories, market products, and create a community online. I’ve tried to be completely inclusive during this time, but the reality is, we are different. We have distinct voices and experiences that are shaped by culture and race, and there is nothing wrong with that.

It’s okay to be different.

It’s okay to write about those differences, and to say, “I don’t relate to being an African-American mother, but I’d like to know more”, or “I love the city! I could never live in a rural area like you, but I’d like to know more!”. More than anything, it’s okay to acknowledge that African-American Mom Bloggers DO exist, and that there is quite frequently a disparity in lists and other blogging opportunities when it comes to including us. We know it, we see it, we FEEL it, and it’s not going to change unless everyone, Black folks, White folks, Asian folks, Hispanic folks, etc. start talking openly about it.

Look, y’all. This isn’t a post to get folks up in arms. At large, the internet, and specifically the mom blogger community, is a beautiful place to be filled with lovely, gracious, generous folks. This isn’t personal. This is about a systematic challenge that we’ve been facing for some time, and that people are chatting about in private Facebook groups, in one on one dinners, and on off-air Google Hangouts. I’m just putting it out here to start the conversation. And really, if you can create a list of 50 mom bloggers and not include ONE African-American blogger on that list, we need to talk. Come on agencies and brands, come get some of this $1.1 trillion dollars Black folks are projected to spend in 2015.

I’ve heard it said that there aren’t a lot of African-American Mom bloggers, or that the quality of work isn’t up to industry standards. Some folks have said that Black Mom bloggers can act entitled, or that they don’t have the reach or influence that other bloggers have. Well, maybe. But that’s across the board for all races of bloggers, don’t you think? In every industry, there’s good, better and best. Rarely, if ever, are those distinctions based on the color of a person’s skin.

Starting a conversation…and a list.

In addition to this conversation, I’m starting a list of influential African-American Mom Bloggers. These are people that I know, either in person or over a period of time online. Not only are they great writers, but they are supportive and understand the meaning and value of helping other bloggers out. I can and will vouch for these ladies. This list is not complete, and if you check back tomorrow, I’m sure there will be more folks added. Let’s add to this list. I’ll update it frequently. There are a few Moms on this list who aren’t African-American, but they are raising African-American children. See, the Black diaspora goes beyond the surface, and that’s next on my list of things to do…let’s go deeper into culture and tell richer, more interesting stories.

African-American Mom Bloggers You Need To Know

Get to know me, Brandi from Mama Knows It All

Amiyrah from 4 Hats And Frugal 

Natasha from Houseful of Nicholes

Sili from My Mamihood

Joyce from Mommy Talk Show

LaShawn from Everyday Eyecandy

Kira from The Afropolitan Mom

Michelle from Divas With A Purpose

Jennifer from Cherish 365

Ashley from MommyWeek

Onyi from Sincerely Onyi

Diane from PhilZENdia

Adanna from Rattles And Heels

Makeba from MelisaSource

Bernetta from BernettaStyle and The Knighten Project

Dawn from Mama Harris’ Kitchen

Amanda from Dude Mom 

Aaronica from The Crunchy Mommy

Mimi from Unlikely Martha

Ruby from Growing Up Blaxxican

Amber from From Carpools to Cocktails

Dani from OKDani

Letroy from Thriftanista In The City

Tara from The Young Mommy Life

Danyelle from The Cubicle Chick

Janeane from Janeane’s World

Pam from Still Dating My Spouse

Kesha from We Got Kidz

Deanna from Mommy Gaga

Sheena from Sophistishe

Mandi from Chewsy Lovers

Heather from Diary Of A First Time Mom

Edited To Add: Add YOUR LINK

If you are an African-American Mom Blogger, add your link to the comments. Or if you know someone who should be on the list, drop their link! There’s no need to be shy or humble. Your voice is important!

77 responses to “Influential African-American Mom Bloggers AND A List”

  1. Natasha Nicholes Avatar

    “More than anything, it’s okay to acknowledge that African-American Mom Bloggers DO exist, and that there is quite frequently a disparity in lists and other blogging opportunities when it comes to including us. We know it, we see it, we FEEL it, and it’s not going to change unless everyone, Black folks, White folks, Asian folks, Hispanic folks, etc. start talking openly about it.”

    Best line ever. We won’t get rid of the separation until it doesn’t separate us anymore. 🙂

    1. Mandi Buckner Avatar
      Mandi Buckner

      I completely agree. Best line EVER and it has to be a conversation that people get comfortable with being uncomfortable and get to the real nitty gritty. Let’s start talking. Awesome post!

  2. Osheta Moore Avatar

    Thank you for this great list. I’m so excited to read some of these African-American bloggers. It makes me feel less isolated in the blogging world.

  3. Amiyrah Avatar

    I had to read this twice. Had to. Thank you for bringing into the forefront what has been discussed, in depth, offline or in personal online groups. We ARE different, and while we may not always mark ourselves as “the black blogger,” our stories are interesting, relevant and thought-provoking. They are also a great background for brands that are looking for storytellers to introduce their products to online and offline communities. We aren’t being utilized like we should, and I think brands are going to start to change that.

  4. TheCubicleChick Avatar

    Aww sookie sookie now. Thanks for this list! I follow a great many on the list but will be following a few that I hadn’t yet. This post was needed. And I hope we can continue the discussion and the spotlight of moms of color. And those, stats, honey. Men lie. Women lie. But numbers DON’T! AMEN! 🙂

  5. Amber of Avatar
    Amber of

    Thanks for this! I’m knew to your blog and will definitely start following! I’ll be sure to support the ladies on your list, as well. Some of them I know personally and love them to pieces!

  6. Baby Making Mama Avatar

    I noticed a similar list the other day and was so surprised something like this hadn’t been done before. So happy to see this. I’d also suggest Denene from She’s amazing.

    1. Deanna, mommyGAGA Avatar
      Deanna, mommyGAGA

      Yes, I agree with the recommendation of Denene!

  7. Dani Faust Avatar

    Great list. I’m a big fan of a lot of the ladies listed, and some of these blogs are new to me. I think brands are slowly going to come around and realize that we black mommy bloggers are a voice they NEED to have telling stories about them. We’re just too important and too influential to continue to overlook.

  8. Bernetta Avatar

    Thanks for adding me to this and thanks for writing this post. You are so right about being recognized. We are here! We want to work with brands! We want to attend conferences and consistently be better. We write great content, we have followers, we are a brand. Who doesn’t want to noticed and appreciated? We’re here, come get some of this 1.5 trillion…!!! Love it.

  9. Sheena Tatum Avatar

    I follow many of these amazing women and I’m happy to find new friends to follow. Thank you, dahlin’! I’m off to add them to my Sun Kissed Lovelies list:

    Oh, if you’re looking to add… may I suggest Tara Jefferson of and Jennae Petersen of


  10. Patricia Patton Avatar
    Patricia Patton

    Good job Brandi. This is the tip of an iceberg

  11. Kendra Avatar

    Thanks for this post. I totally agree and would love to see more African American mom bloggers in the room at places like Mom 2.0 and Type-A. We had some great conversations that would have been complete with more voices included.

  12. Nic Nac Paddywack Avatar

    Great post and great topic. I’m not a mom and so I often feel very isolated in the blogging world. There just aren’t many people like me out here. I know a few of these faces and I’m happy to learn about the others. It is true… varied experiences are wonderful and necessary.

  13. Baby Teems Avatar
    Baby Teems

    This list will be huge in no time. Thanks for sharing and putting it out there. When I started blogging about my journey, I wasn’t aware that there were so many African American mom bloggers out there.

  14. Mommy Week Avatar
    Mommy Week

    Awesome post! Add me to the list please 🙂 Ashley @ We exist, ie. Black Mom Bloggers, and our content & reach is amazing!

  15. Sheree Adams Avatar
    Sheree Adams

    I love this Brandi! Thanks for the inclusion as well as your voice. We are influential and diverse. Can’t wait to watch the list grow.

  16. MrsTDJ Avatar

    Great post and list! I’m familiar with most, but not all.

  17. Vaneese Avatar

    Beautiful Brandi!! I can’t wait to dig into these blogs. And thank you so much for including me!! I’m totally honored. <3

  18. RaisedByCulture Avatar

    In order to culture my own children, these lists are necessary – thank you for sharing and I am so proud to call many on this list my friends!

  19. Thien-Kim Avatar

    Such an important conversation! Thank you for including me and pointing out that I am sharing my perspective of raising mixed race family. These lists (and brands) are missing on working with diverse bloggers who also have diverse audiences.

  20. Diane Nassy Avatar
    Diane Nassy

    great list!

  21. Joyce Brewer Avatar
    Joyce Brewer

    I’m proud to be on this list of amazing influencers, especially during a week when another list of top bloggers was released that had very few moms of color.
    We are different.
    We have voices.
    We matter.

  22. Rachee Avatar

    Thank you for including me on your list!
    Yes, as a mother and a woman of color, I want to read about mom issues and love it when they include women who look like me. Thank you for some new blogs to add to my reading list.

  23. Prototype Mama Avatar

    What a great group of ladies! I also follow most of these blogs but there are so many I don’t. In the last year or so of blogging I’ve noticed how African American mom bloggers are overlooked or not in the for front. It’s great to know that they exist. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Kelly Whalen Avatar

    Wonderful!!! So glad you shared this and are delving into this issue. Diversity is much needed in this space.

  25. Pammy Pam Avatar
    Pammy Pam

    This is a great list and as you can see, African American bloggers fill every niche that there is to fill. Please keep letting them them know that we are out there and our dollars want to be spent.

  26. Baby Shopaholic Avatar
    Baby Shopaholic

    Great post! Thanks for getting this conversation going!

  27. Keitha The Bajan Texan Avatar

    So happy to see this list! Thank you for putting it together!

  28. Deanna, mommyGAGA Avatar
    Deanna, mommyGAGA

    LOVE the list, thanks for including me! I’m gonna have to get to know some of these ladies! There are not many of us, thanks so much for this.

  29. Amiyrah Avatar

    Wanted to come back and add Desiree Peeples from Great blogger and vlogger!

  30. Mama Harris Avatar

    Thank you for including me in this diverse group of accomplished women! I know most of them, but this gives me some new ones to view as well. I’d like to add Tonia from The Chatty Momma and Ashleigh from Being Cheap is Easy. Thanks for a wonderful list Brandi! <3

  31. Kesha of We Got Kidz Avatar

    Amen, amen, AMEN! Beautiful piece. Thank you so much for including me on this list. 🙂

  32. Sarah Hubbell Avatar

    Great post! I would like to suggest Melanie from, Denene at, and Karen of

  33. Onica {MommyFactor} Avatar
    Onica {MommyFactor}

    Interesting list. A few blogs that are new to me. Gonna check them out. There’s def way more “Black Bloggers” (I use cause not all identify as being “Afro Amer”) out there then people take time to recognize.

  34. RubyDW Avatar

    I can’t agree more.. It saddens me to see list of exceptional bloggers be handpicked by brands and not see diversity! Thank you for including me! As a mama of mixed- Mexican and Black kids I want to see more diverse conversations! Thank you for getting this started!

  35. Melanie Sheridan Avatar
    Melanie Sheridan

    Thank you for bringing the conversation out in public. I will recommend Kris Cain, Little Tech Chick.

  36. Denedriane Dean Avatar
    Denedriane Dean

    Thank you for this pertinent list, Brandi.

  37. Solo Mama Avatar

    Hello Brandi. I’m new to the blogging community as of this year and was not aware of over half of the bloggers listed here so thank you for the list. I will say however that I’ve had fewer AA bloggers reach out to me via email or social media vs bloggers from other backgrounds. I’m not sure if that is due to sheer numbers or because the content I write is intended for women of all backgrounds. Connecting with bloggers or brands in general has not been difficult…finding my tribe has been and continues to be the challenge. Either way this is a great resource that will allow me to discover and support other AA bloggers. Much appreciated.

  38. Solo Mama Avatar

    Carin Kilby Clark from would be a great addition here. Thanks again.

  39. Thien-Kim Avatar

    May I suggest Eva at

  40. Solo Mama Avatar

    I’d like to shed light on two other awesome AA bloggers. Yvonne Jane Lorraine from She is a truly genuine person with amazing presence and reach online. She’s also known for reaching out to new AA bloggers like myself to support and help bring awareness to our presence online….I absolutely love this young lady. 🙂

    Rosetta Thurman from the Happy Black Woman blog. ( I’ve not networked with Rosetta as of yet but her blog is an inspiration to thousands of AA women who want to live happier more productive lives.

    And just a quick update to the recommendation mentioned earlier, Carin Kilby Clark’s main website is at

    Thanks again for the info and nice to connect with you lovely ladies.

    “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” ― Maya Angelou

    1. Carin Kilby Clark Avatar

      Solo Mama – Thanks so much for mentioning me! 🙂 There are so many outstanding bloggers on this list – some I knew of and many I did not. Can’t wait to explore all these awesome sites. 😀

      1. Solo Mama Avatar

        Absolutely..glad you joined us! 🙂

    2. yvonne jane lorraine Avatar

      Your generosity is beyond measure Solo Mama! Thank you so much for your recommendation and thanks to everyone who has visited our blog as a consequence. It’s fantastic to interact with other women in this space, I can’t wait to visit the blogs on this list.

  41. Kira @ Afropolitan Mom Avatar

    Thank you so much for including me in this. I am honored to be among so many amazing moms.

  42. Debra Lynch B Avatar
    Debra Lynch B

    OMG! I read this like 3 times, I was just about to write a post about
    this, well at least something similar,about Caribbean Bloggers here on
    the internet, I am always searching and joining blogging groups,
    sometimes I am the only black face and sometime the only caribbean
    blogger in that group, a lot is not taken seriously when I post anything
    to the group, sometimes my post are removed but yet a white face will
    post almost the same thing, it stays there.

    I blog mostly about
    Caribbean Culture and our food and yes we are relevant.

    So I was very
    excited when blogher featured my recipe a few days ago.

    I have just
    started a network for Caribbean Bloggers, still in the works.

    There is a
    lot of us out there and there is more than enough to go around for

    1. Tiffani G. from MyMommyVents Avatar

      Debra, some of us are in a Caribbean Blogger Network group on Facebook. I’d love to learn more about your network.

  43. RattlesandHeels Avatar

    Thanks for sharing as a new AA mom blogger I wasn’t aware of many of these blogs. We need to start a community and build each other up.

  44. Stacie Sayz So Avatar

    Kudos for putting this list together! As an African American blogger, I love seeing sistas doing their thang. Many I have heard of some I have not. Bookmarking for sure!

  45. Camille {Sparks of Magic} Avatar

    Love this list and I’m excited to stay connected. I had no idea there was such a large and continually growing community of AA bloggers. After speaking with you at BlogHer, Brandi, I didn’t even realize how important and influential this role is! I’m half Black and half Filipino and have always struggled with “my place” and my role as a cultural influencer. I’m learning to embrace even more the differences, challenges and joys of being biracial and also raising multiracial children! Definitely excited to expand my own mentality and mindset to share my experiences and spread magic on my blog ! I would love to join this community and see life through so many others’ eyes and celebrate the greatness that we have in common! We all have so many great stories to share and we are forces to be reckoned with! <3

  46. Janeane Davis Avatar
    Janeane Davis

    It really is an honor to be on this list with so man bloggers I know, want to know and respect. While all bloggers have a lot in common, our cultural background do influence how we look at the world and how the world looks at us. You list of such a wide variety of loggers in so many different genres shows the world and potential adverstisers that black aka African American bloggers have a voice worth hearing and an audiences worth reaching.

  47. Kristine Manley Avatar

    Love your list. Thank you for showcasing the community of African-American Bloggers. Frankly speaking, I was unaware that there were so many of us – great job!

  48. Alexandra Avatar

    What an impressive list of brown bloggers! I’m working on building my blog up and hope to make this list one day!

  49. Pamela :: Still Dating My Spouse Avatar

    Your passion to help others and promote others is priceless. You are the example so many should follow in paying it forward. Thank you for including me and my blog on your powerful list. You are such an inspiration!

    1. brandijeter Avatar

      I could never write a list and not include you! Thank you for YOUR support and for always looking out!

  50. Dafina S Avatar

    We’d love to be added to your list of Black Mom Bloggers. We are sisters who are bloggers, best friends and mothers who live in Miami & Manhattan!


    1. brandijeter Avatar

      Sounds like a great concept, Dafina! I’ll check you out!

  51. Akinee Avatar

    Thank you for the opportunity to connect with other influencers. My blog is bright spot here on the Web full of love and light. Please stop and be encouraged. Illuminated Living at –A.M.

  52. Tiffani G. from MyMommyVents Avatar

    This is a great list! There are many names I recognize, but even more that I don’t. I’m definitely going to check everyone out. I had no idea there were so many mommy bloggers of color. I’d like to add Christine St. Vil of Moms ‘N Charge.

    1. brandijeter Avatar

      Awesome, Lori! I know that many PR reps are checking out this list and the comments, too, so you’re good! Going to dig into your site and check you out. Thanks for visiting!

  53. Kita Avatar

    Let me get my feedly on and add some of these wonderful blogs. I would love to be added
    Kita Bryant Kokoa Magazine

  54. Jennifer Avatar

    And since you mentioned this, Ina go head and add myself here too… 😉

    1. brandijeter Avatar

      Yes! One for all and all for one!

  55. de Avatar

    Just started blogging again but for a different passion would love to be added to the list aka http://www.FaithFueledMoms.con

  56. Lynda @MommyPowers Avatar

    I’m nominating myself! 😀

  57. Lisa-The Domestic Life Stylist Avatar

    I’ve had the privilege of meeting some of these ladies online and off but see so many others I would like to know. I love that blogging gives us the opportunity to meet so many people from different backgrounds and different walks all life all over the world. Let’s embrace that diversity.

    1. brandijeter Avatar

      They are a really great group, Lisa! Thank you so much for your comment, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, too!

  58. Candice Avatar

    I’m an AA mommy blogger who writes about Beauty, Style, Natural Hair and Lifestyle. My blog is: Naturally Stellar

  59. Tenisia Davis Avatar

    I’m an AA mom newly blogging about becoming a natural mom – baby wearing, both diapering, breastfeeding, etc.

  60. Nakisha Wynn Avatar

    Im an AA mom blogger, writing about single mom parenting, family fun and lifestyle. My blog is

  61. Marie Elaine Avatar

    Hey Brandi!
    I sent you an email about a week or so ago, just wanted to make sure you got it!
    Oh, and I wanted to add my blog to the list.. 😉

  62. Sophia Reed Avatar

    I am a single mom blogger and life coach. I write about lifestyle, relationship, inspiration, beauty, and fashion.

  63. Brian Routt Avatar

    This is a great idea and an excellent list. I support your idea entirely!

  64. Diana Wilson Avatar

    Great idea! Thanks for taking the time and doing this, and the list is excellent.

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